I want a remote job but I am scared of online interview 😳

3 min readJan 29, 2023


Getting a remote job is another step to go through an online interview process.

After bidding on online jobs, if got elected by the employer, you have to pass an online interview arranged by the employer to get the job

As a new freelancer, an interview could be intimidating and scary to many.

Then how to overcome this hurdle of getting your first online job?

Being overwhelmed by things could be considered natural, but if you believe in yourself, you could handle it with ease.

However, just remember, anything could be attainable if you prepared adequately.

To go through the online job interview efficiently, I am about to cite the most effective and easy strategies to reduce online interview fear.


We always contemplate initiating things, and doubt our competence. Self-criticism could be dictated as the most dangerous pediment on the path to success. We always think we aren’t prepared, we require more efficiency to obtain what we want in life. Remember, no one is perfect, and no matter how much you try, you can’t make yourself perfect in everything. You don’t require an exaggeration of arrangement to do things. Sometimes what you know is more than enough, to obtain what you desire in life. Hence, don’t miss opportunities because of self-doubt. Even if in many aspects of life, you are more qualified in many things, in which you illustrate you couldn’t do that because of unknown fear. So, be confident and jump into the opportunity that knocks on your doors. It also implies online job interviews. Be confident, you could do that, it is not rocket science either.


If you starting out as a freelancer, and English isn’t your native language, it could be a matter of worry while participating in an online interview. However, you aren’t required to acquire the utmost proficiency to pass an online interview. Although, you need to know the basic grammar, sentence structure, and methods of speaking English. It could be more helpful if you polish your pronunciation before doing the interview.


While giving a job interview, make sure you are talking by looking at the camera lens, it would ensure the fact that you are talking by looking at the employer’s eyes. In many cases, people prepared adequately, but, when answering the interview questions, they tend to look on different sides and down rather than look at the camera which could interrupt the audio sounds and also make you look less confident. Thus while speaking in an interview make sure you look straight and provide answers confidently by making eye contact while doing an online job interview. It will help you to seem more trustworthy and also aid you get the job if you give proper answers to the interview.

To conclude, an online job interview is a crucial part to get any online job. To eradicate the fear, and awkwardness of the interview, preparing properly and implementing the above-cited strategy could help you to pass an online job interview without any difficulty.




Written by tanzi

I'm Tanzina, a content writer skilled in simplifying complex topics with clear, actionable insights and strategies to enhance reader understanding.

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