How to Earn $5500 Per Month by Online Writing Alongside a 9–5 Job?

5 min read2 days ago


She’s a dreamer with the drive to make things happen!

Meet Sarah, a 25-year-old marketing executive working a traditional 9–5 job. Despite her steady income, Sarah was eager to achieve financial independence and save for her dream of traveling the world.

With a knack for writing and a passion for storytelling, she decided to explore online writing opportunities.

Within a year, Sarah was earning an impressive $5500 per month from her online writing ventures, all while maintaining her full-time job.

Here’s how she did it, and how you can too.

Identifying Lucrative Writing Opportunities

Sarah began her journey by researching various writing opportunities available online. She discovered several options, including freelance writing, blogging, self-publishing, and content creation.

She decided to diversify her efforts to maximize her income potential.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing involves creating content for clients on a project-by-project basis.

Sarah signed up on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr.

She created a compelling profile highlighting her writing skills and past experience. To stand out, she focused on the following:

  1. Niche Specialization: Sarah specialized in marketing and business content, leveraging her professional background.
  2. Portfolio Development: She built a portfolio showcasing her best work, including articles, blog posts, and marketing materials.
  3. Client Testimonials: Sarah reached out to previous clients and colleagues for testimonials to add credibility to her profile.

By consistently applying for relevant projects and delivering high-quality work, Sarah started securing regular freelance writing gigs.


Sarah decided to start a blog to create a steady stream of passive income. She chose a niche she was passionate about: personal finance and lifestyle. Her blog covered topics like budgeting, saving money, and career development.

To attract readers and monetize her blog, Sarah implemented the following strategies:

  1. SEO Optimization: Sarah learned the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure her content ranked high in search results. She used tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords and incorporated them naturally into her articles.
  2. Consistent Posting Schedule: She committed to publishing two blog posts per week, ensuring a steady flow of fresh content for her readers.
  3. Monetization: Sarah monetized her blog through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and display ads. She joined affiliate programs related to her niche and promoted products she genuinely used and trusted.


Sarah always dreamed of writing a book.

With the rise of self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), she realized this dream was within reach.

She wrote a practical guide on managing personal finances, leveraging her expertise and blog content.

Sarah followed these steps to publish and promote her book:

  1. Book Creation: Sarah dedicated weekends to writing and editing her book, ensuring it provided valuable insights and actionable tips.
  2. Professional Design: She invested in a professional cover design and formatting to make her book stand out.
  3. Marketing and Promotion: Sarah used her blog and social media channels to promote her book. She also reached out to fellow bloggers and influencers for reviews and mentions.

Her book quickly gained traction, becoming a steady source of passive income.

Content Creation

To further diversify her income, Sarah explored opportunities in content creation.

She discovered platforms like Medium and Vocal, where writers get paid based on the number of views their articles receive.

Sarah signed up and started publishing high-quality articles on topics related to her blog niche.

She also explored writing for revenue-sharing sites that pay writers a share of ad revenue generated by their content.

Effective Time Management

Balancing a full-time job and multiple writing projects required excellent time management skills.

Sarah created a structured routine to ensure she could meet her goals without burning out:

  1. Setting Priorities: Sarah identified her most important tasks each day and focused on completing them first.
  2. Creating a Schedule: She allocated specific times for writing, research, and client communication. Early mornings, lunch breaks, and evenings became her prime writing times.
  3. Utilizing Productivity Tools: Sarah used tools like Trello for project management, Grammarly for editing, and Google Calendar to keep track of deadlines.
  4. Avoiding Burnout: She made sure to take regular breaks and set aside time for relaxation and hobbies.

Networking and Building a Brand

Sarah understood the importance of networking and building a personal brand to increase her visibility and attract higher-paying clients:

  1. Joining Writing Communities: She joined online writing communities and forums to connect with fellow writers, share experiences, and seek advice.
  2. Social Media Presence: Sarah actively promoted her work on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. She shared her blog posts, freelance projects, and writing achievements, building a loyal following.
  3. Guest Posting: She reached out to popular blogs and websites in her niche, offering to write guest posts. This helped her gain exposure and establish herself as an authority in personal finance and lifestyle writing.
  4. Personal Website: Sarah created a personal website to showcase her portfolio, blog, and services. It served as a central hub for potential clients and readers to learn more about her work.

Scaling Up

As Sarah’s reputation and client base grew, she began to scale up her efforts to achieve her income goal.

  1. Increasing Rates: With a strong portfolio and positive client feedback, Sarah gradually increased her freelance writing rates. She focused on securing long-term contracts with higher-paying clients.
  2. Expanding Blog Revenue: Sarah continued to grow her blog audience through SEO, social media, and email marketing. She diversified her income streams by offering premium content, online courses, and consulting services.
  3. Writing More Books: Encouraged by the success of her first book, Sarah wrote additional books on related topics, further boosting her passive income.
  4. Exploring New Opportunities: Sarah stayed updated on industry trends and explored emerging writing opportunities, such as creating content for podcasts, video scripts, and online courses.

Sarah’s Monthly Income Breakdown

By diversifying her writing efforts and leveraging various income streams, Sarah achieved her goal of earning $5500 per month. Here’s a breakdown of her monthly income:

  1. Freelance Writing: $3000
  2. Blogging: $1500
  3. Self-Publishing: $700
  4. Content Creation: $300


Sarah’s journey to earning $5500 per month through online writing alongside her 9–5 job demonstrates that it is possible with dedication, strategic planning, and effective time management.

By exploring different writing opportunities, building a strong personal brand, and continuously improving her skills, Sarah turned her passion for writing into a lucrative side hustle.

If you’re inspired by Sarah’s story and want to achieve similar success, start by identifying your writing niche, creating a structured routine, and exploring various income streams.

With persistence and hard work, you too can earn a substantial income through online writing while maintaining your full-time job.




My name is Tanzina, I am a content writer who can simply write any complex topic. Emphasize providing helpful tips and strategies throughout my articles.