Your surrounding determines your compatibility.

9 min readMay 12, 2023


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Would you be able to live on a secular island?

No, as a human being you oblige to live with other people, with some rules and regulations which we call society.

Not only that, in our life we are consists of many other things, careers, family, relations, and aims of our life.

Everyone has a particular dream that they want to accomplish in life, but, achieving the goal in life isn’t a piece of cake. You are going to encounter numerous amount of hurdles and distractions along the way.

Circumstances have enormous impacts on our identity

You are not different than your environment. Without your consciousness, your belief systems, self-confidence, and aim going to mold according to the ambiance you are surrounded by.


Thus, the environment you are bound to live in is very important, it impacted every aspect of your life. No matter how hard you try, you are not able to escape from the vibes and notions of your surroundings.

While a good environment can help you to achieve the utmost success in life, a bad environment can drain your confidence and self-worth. Your compatibility, prosperity, efficiency, and happiness in life totally rely on the ambiance you live in.

Why you should learn to how to make your environment in the favor of yours?

You shouldn’t alter your life aim, morality, and life purpose if you are abruptly surrounded by an environment that drains your energy and efficiency. You should learn how to adapt to your circumstances and also make them favorable to you.

You are not going to get another life to live, thus, making it more pleasant and purposeful should be the ultimate aim of life.

The environment you live in, always you don’t get the privilege to prefer. The family you were born to, you don’t elect, the office colleague and its circumstances, the people of your neighborhood, and the people you going to confront along the way of your journey on numerous activities. You are not going to get everything in life according to your preference, you have to learn how to convert all so that it becomes convenient for you, otherwise, you are going to struggle in each aspect of your life.

Moreover, It mustn’t be a prudent way to give repercussions on every situation or each negative people.

What is the main environment that we got impacted the most?

The crucial element of our surroundings is the people we interact with throughout the day. How you handle every category of people in your life, determines the tranquility of your life, and your efficiency towards work.


The connection we have with other people, and how we treated the people who live with us, and work with, lead to how we become more efficient in life. Having a chaotic relationship with any category of people going to make you suffer eventually. Thus, trying to create a serene and understandable relationship with people is the only way to make your ambiance favorable towards you.

You are going to always find different sorts of people in your life, any family members can be ultimate narcissists and working colleagues are fond of gossiping, and the peer you got are dominating, don’t endeavor to complain or change them. if you do that, nothing going to change, ultimately you going to hurt yourself.

What you can do to, not be impacted by the negative people you confront in your life.

Try to grasp their pain point, what they want from you, and the purpose of their negative behaviors. If you want to change the external environment, the probability of being successful is very little.

Try not to react to their behaviors, the more you react their initiative also elevates to create trouble in your life. Make your work the ultimate priority of your life, and concentrate adequately to acquire ultimate success, it’s the way to live peacefully in your life. Another step you can take, try to make them understand their wrongdoing and resolve the issue they may have with you. Endeavor to grasp their trait, and create solutions not get impacted by that.

How to become more adaptable?


To live a decent life, and make your life more livable, you require to make the ultimate way to create the circumstances convenient for you. For doing that, you require to create some phenomenon in your life.

That is


To become more mentally rigid, you must have to have to be adequately disciplined in your life.

Without proper discipline, you are going to impact by your surroundings more. Discipline helps you to acknowledge what you want in your life, and what is the best way to live your life. Discipline also aids you to confront unwanted drama and chaos of life.


Discipline also helps you to perform the required task over any instigation and influence of the circumstances. To get over the circumstances and their impacts, the only way that can help you immensely is that discipline.

To avoid the negative nuances of your circumstances, and complete your task efficiently, you have to be properly disciplined and structure your chores according to your convenience.

It is the ultimate formula to becoming mentally more strong to acquire triumph over the circumference.

Take care of your physical health

Taking care of your health adequately going to provide many advantages that you can utilize for fighting the hurdles of your daily life. To remain happy and lead a healthy life, you oblige to take care of your health.


While become unhealthy and suffer from different kinds of anxiety and stress, you are going react more frequently to your circumstances which going to add more problems in your life. To not encounter this sort of issue, you require to take care of your health by doing regular exercise, having a proper diet, and making notes on weekly improvements so you can make your life more livable. if your health isn’t well, no matter how much progress you make in life, and even having a happy family wouldn’t be able to give you any sort of pleasure in life.

Moreover, being not healthy, you wouldn’t be able to confront the daily challenges, and issues effectively.

Be punctual

The remarkable traits you should consist in your life are becoming punctual, and getting over the notion of procrastination. Doing things on time and not putting it for later, help you to become trustworthy in your family and even in your working place.


While people rely on and have a certain amount of faith, you tend to confront fewer issues with people, and they are also willing to help you with any issue you face. Being punctual also helps you to not confront much stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, completing the task on time, also aids you bring balance to your work and personal life. You got more time to spend with your family and friends which assists you to make your relationships more strong. Eventually, your circumstances turn suitable for you.

Participate in extracurricular activities

While pressurized with monotonous routines, daily chores, and career tension, people tend to get irritated more frequently with little things and issues, which created a chaotic ambiance.


To get over this sort of phenomenon, people of all ages should participate in different kinds of activities distinct from their regular activities. The old people can join different kinds of clubs that inspire people to perform things that are beneficial to their health. Working people can join sports and art clubs bringing benefits to their mental and overall well-being. Most importantly adolescence and children more require to do extra curricula activities different than their regular studies and homework, as it’s very important to make them mentally strong and happy individuals.

While every category of people becomes happy in their life, the ambiance you live in eventually becomes more convenient for you.

Why you should emphasize building on relationships that you have?


The ultimate formula for making your environment more suitable is that work relentlessly on the vital relationships that you have in your life. Having a chaos full relationship in any aspect of your life is more than enough to turn your life into a total hell. Therefore, to make the environment convenient, you require to resolve the issues if you have any relationships you belong with.

How do cheer yourself up in the adverse ambiance?

You don’t possess control over how your environment may turn. Abruptly it can be adverse, such as losing any family members, losing your job, being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, and living in a foreign territory. You don’t have to charge for these kinds of situations. But, you have to learn how to adapt to extreme adverse circumstances you may confronting.


You can get over this. To fight this sort of situation, you require to sustain faith in yourself to remain positive to live a happy life with your loved ones

How the convenient ambiance helps us to find the true version of ourselves?

The circumstances are the crucial elements that can help us to reach the ultimate aim of our life. A good ambiance can help you to live a happy and fulfilling life and also can work as an ultimate tool to find your true potential.


While negative circumstances are more than enough to drain your energy, and self-confidence, and oblige you to doubt your self-worth. Contradictory, cheerful, and happy circumstances can help you to discover ultimately what you want in your life. A happy ambiance is the secret key to living a meaningful and well-lived life.

Don’t lose yourself to stand up to the other standard that set for you

It mustn’t not be unfamiliar to you that, there is numerous time in life when you have to endeavor to please other people to sustain relationships and make other people feel comfortable and superior. We often tend to do this sort of phenomenon for the people we care about, and need ultimate attention, but, it can be proven self-disrespecting trait sometimes.


No matter how your ambiance turn, and no matter what kind of people you confront in your life, never sacrifice your self-respect to make people happy.

There are no requirements for any kind of connection that doesn’t make you happy, and make you feel not appreciated. Don’t do injustice to yourself, if you do that, no one can save you from yourself.

To conclude, the environment is the predominant segment of our life. We can build and destroy through our circumstances. Our compatibility, success, failure, happiness, sadness, and dreams all wholly rely on the circumstances we are surrounded by.


While a good environment helps us to live a happy and purposeful life, a bad environment can snatch our dreams and lead us to live a measurable life. However, always we couldn’t control our environment, people, and issues, that we are bound to live with. We have to learn adequately how to adapt to any circumstances.

Endeavoring to change the external environment may not be fruitful, but how we react to any situation is totally in control of us. In the journey of life, we have to learn how to build relationships, rigid careers, and take care of our health and loved ones to create happy and pleasant circumstances for ourselves.




I'm Tanzina, a content writer skilled in simplifying complex topics with clear, actionable insights and strategies to enhance reader understanding.