Health is more important

5 min readJun 17, 2023



No matter how much progress you make in life, nothing is going to be verdict beneficial to you if you don’t properly supervise your health. To accomplish career goals, earn a certain amount of money, and balance the family and work life, we mostly overlook our well-being, which can bring drastic demerits in our life.

Eating impulsively by not taking care of nutrition values, not doing any kinds of physical exercise, and having an irregular routine of sleep can make you confront life-threatening diseases. Health is the most important thing over any monetary assets and achievements, as there exist many diseases for which you couldn’t be able to cure by doing any expensive treatments.

Thus, no matter how busy you get in your life, always emphasized taking care of your health and overall well-being. As physical and mental well-being directly impact your productivity, relationships, career growth, and happiness in your life.

To make ensure living a healthy life, you can take some initiatives:

Providing importance of eating healthy:


One proverb says that you are what you eat. What you consume regularly makes a noticeable impact on your health. So, giving attention to the nutritional value that you are adding to your diet charts is crucial. As a human, you are required to consume different kinds of food according to your age, physical activities, geography, and body structure.

To ensure you are getting all kinds of proper nutrients, you can research online to get the right information. However, eating daily vegetables and fruits is the common wholesome routine for everybody. Additionally, to stay hydrated and healthy, drinking a proper amount of water play a vital role.

Furthermore, consulting with nutrition experts can be a great idea to get an accurate notion of what you should consume to stay healthy and active. As while eating a balanced diet provides you healthy body and mind, consuming without any health concerns can lead you to suffer from numerous chronic diseases.

So, we should learn meticulously what we are eating as it's directly interrelated to our well-being.

Making time for exercising

The importance of physical exercise is undeniable. Exercise is essential for all ages of people. By performing regular exercise, you can boost your productivity rates, uplift your physical structure, and get rid of many chronic diseases.

But doing regular exercise and maintaining the routine can be challenging for many, while keeping pace with other responsibilities of life.

Some effective steps you can take to make exercise a regular part of your daily routine:

- Don’t add difficult exercise movements at the beginning of the journey

- Get an accountable partner, to stay stick with your routine.

- Joined a GYM with friends who have the same health goals as yours

- Try different kinds of exercise to not get bored with the routine.

- Listen to music while exercising can be a great way to stay motivated to exercise

- Having a role model who has achieved an outstanding physical structure can help you to stay motivated to perform regular exercise

- Prefer a time that is less chaos full, and you aren’t overloaded with other responsibilities such as early morning, late afternoon, and evening

Exercise is very important to stay in shape, remain healthy, and not be affected by life-threatening diseases.

Supervise your Sleep routine properly

While you assume sleep isn’t necessary, and you are going to become more productive by sleeping less, you are on the wrong side. To function properly, increase your concentration, and acquire the utmost productivity, you require emphasizing your sleep routine.


A deficiency of sleep can cause many health and professional demerits. There is a myth, you can be more successful if you sleep less, as it’s taking your precious time. That’s not true. As an adult, you require at least 7–8 hours of quality sleep every night.

By overlooking your sleep routine, you can bring many life-threatening diseases, such as obesity, which can cause type 2 diabetes, stress, and anxiety that can create heart attack and high blood pressure, etc. Thus, you oblige to strictly supervise your sleeping habits.

Consultant with the doctor regularly

Until having any serious health issue, we demonstrate an unwillingness to consult with the doctor about our health. Sometimes, we are diagnosed with many fatal health issues at the last stage, when remedy seems not possible. This sort of scenario takes place, while you don’t concentrate on your health issues. To avoid this, you should regularly consult with doctors, and to get acknowledge about your health state.

By knowing about your health condition, you can take precautions beforehand if you have any little issues with your health. By getting a check-up from the doctors regularly, you can acquire the scope to get valuable advice and direction from experts to lead a healthy life.


To live a healthy and diseases free, happy life, we oblige to take care of our health adequately. Without having a healthy body and mind, any kind of achievement couldn’t be able to give any sort of contentment and pleasure.

Thus, to ensure to lead a healthy life, we should be aware of our diet routine, make time for exercising, maintain a healthy sleeping routine, and consult regularly with experts.




Written by tanzi

I'm Tanzina, a content writer skilled in simplifying complex topics with clear, actionable insights and strategies to enhance reader understanding.

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