Are chronic diseases curable?

7 min readOct 12, 2022


Remediable in a certain extent by maintaining a healthy etiquette to live a life.


In recent years numerous chronic diseases such as Cancer, type-2 diabetes, Heart disease, and lung disease are increasing rapidly. These diseases are occurred mostly because of risky behaviors like less physical movement, unhealthy diet, and unhealthy lifestyle.

Chronic diseases are life-threatening illnesses that progress slowly in our bodies and last for a longer time, and cures for these diseases are mostly not possible by vaccines or medicine.

Therefore, leading a healthy lifestyle is recommendable to get rid of these diseases.

How to make a routine?

Prevention could be done to a certain extent by making a few alternations in our lifestyle which are mostly practicable and could be performed without difficulty.

The initiative we should take to get triumph over chronic diseases. We require to make them facile to do them regularly.

Because, when we take endeavor strictly to make ourselves compatible to reduce the risk of these diseases, like how much to sleep, what to eat, and the amount of physical exercise we should do, it seems cumbersome. But, the very fundamental of disease prevention and leading healthy life is very facile.

Different types of Chronic disease


Cancer is one of the most prominent chronic diseases and the patient of this disease has increased in recent years by remarkable amounts. Every year the new cases of of cancer and the death rates are just increasing.


Is there any treatment of Cancer?

Cancer could be diagnosed in any segment of our body. Cancer generally occurs because of the abnormal growth rate of the cells and also has the potential to spread to other parts of the body. There is various kind of cancer. A definite cure for this disease is not still invented.

The treatments available for cancer are a redundancy process such as numerous therapy, intaking a vast amount of medicine, and injections. Thus, being aware beforehand to avoid this disease is a prudent preference by maintaining a healthy manner of lifestyle.

Heart Disease

Nowadays heart patients are increasing at an alarming rate as also the death rate. Plenty of things we confront regularly, that create stress, anxiety, and depression. Eating impulsively without measurements of calories causes detriment to the heart. The heart is one of the crucial organ, that should be made disease-free by maintaining a few etiquettes of health

Type 2 Diabetics


The type 2 diabetics grows in the body when different organs of the body such as fat, muscle, and the liver couldn’t interact with insulin in a normal way. Because, pancrese become unable to produce sufficient insulin to manage blood sugar. There is no significant cure for type 2 diabetes. But, by losing weight, exercising, and eating healthy, this disease could be manage in a certain extent.

What we could do to affected by these diseases?

The probability of getting affected could be preventable to a certain extent if we maintain a healthy lifestyle by following a few initiative that aided to live a healthy life:

Doing Regular Physical Exercise


Nowadays, the lifestyle we are leading is mostly sedentary, we could access anything from our homes. All works. education and even purchasing of daily commodities could be done sitting at home. Moreover, corporate and academic works are mostly computer-based. Thus, physical movements plummeted, and people are suffering from various life-threatening diseases.

Doing a certain amount of regular exercise could help us to lead a healthy lifestyle. To maintain a healthy body and mind, doing exercise is a good way. When we perform the exercise, it not only improves our physical condition but also uplifts our mood. Exercise also helps to better the heart condition which prevents heart-related chronic disease. By doing exercise regularly, we can reduce weight, and maintain our weight, which prevents us from being overweight. By balancing weight we could also lessen the risk of the type of diabetics.

Eating a healthy Diet

Feeling hungry? Order a burger or pizza online. These are the common scenario of recent days. Fast-food outlets and the availability of unhealthy food are increasing more than at any other time in history. By just clicking on the phone we could order food online, then why make trouble eating healthy? Consuming unhealthy food is mainly the reason for most of the diseases, we suffer in our lifetime. Overweight, Heart-disease, and diabetes are a few to mention.

Eating healthy is essential to acquire a healthy body. We should include vegetables, and fruits in our regular diet. Drinking an adequate quantity of water is also essential to stay healthy. Health is the most prominent thing we should care about, eating a wholesome diet is one of the fundamental ways to acquire it. A healthy diet helps to reduce blood sugar, balance our weight, and also clear our lungs when we drink a significant amount of water. Only eating healthy is not sufficient, a proper quantity and consumption according to one’s physical measurement is also essential. When we efficiently maintain a healthy diet, we decrease the risk of several chronic health diseases also gain a healthy body which also helps to acquire a healthy lifestyle and relationships we contain.

Sleep adequately

Insufficient sleep causes many demerits in our health and lifestyle and raises the risk of chronic diseases. Not acquiring adequate sleep leads to obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Inadequate sleep also impacted our mental health and productivity and causes stress, anxiety, and depression. Not getting sufficient sleep for a consecutive day causes sleep deprivation which requires consulting with a doctor. An adult should get at least 7 hours of sleep to function properly. By remembering the consequences of not getting enough sleep, we could maintain a regular sleep routine.

How to obtain sufficient sleep

- Fixed a time of going to bed and waking up

- Make the room temperature cold as possible

- Don’t exercise late in the evening

- Finish dinner early in the evening

- Avoid consuming caffeine or tea before sleeping

- Don’t eat a heavy snack before going to bed

- Not work in bed by taking the laptop

- Don’t watch Tv or videos before at least 1 hour of sleep

Thus, acquiring an adequate amount of sleep on a daily basis is mandatory, to stay healthy. We should ensure that we are not lacking sleep in order to prevent the risk of many diseases.

Quit Smoking

Different ages of people smoke for different reasons, while some do without any cause. For instance, the journey of smoking started, sometimes at the age of teenage, just to look fashionable. On the other hand, few people smoke to release tension, while some are on by habit. The impact of smoking is enormous, it prominently affected our lungs and immune system. Without caring about the demerits, people smoke impulsively. Chronic diseases like lung cancer, type-2 diabetes, and immature death could be prevented just stopped smoking.

Reduce consuming beverage products

Sugar causes much harm to our health. By consuming beverage products such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, and sodas, we supply a vast amount of sugar in our body which is not good for health. When without awareness we consume these products regularly, which impacted our health, most prominently we gain weight and which affects the lungs, and immune systems. These consequences also lead to making us suffer from well-known chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes, lung cancer, and heart disease. Thus, reducing the consumption of beverage products that contain sugar and deduct the quantity of sugar we mix with tea/coffee, could help us to decrease the risk of several chronic diseases.

Getting regular consultation

Most life-threatening diseases cause when we demonstrate carelessness toward our health. Seldomly, we visited any consultant, and as a result, several diseases were diagnosed at the last stage, when most of the time cure seemed challenging. Thus, we should make a routine of getting a checkup of our whole body on a regular basis in ordet to ensure the get treatment at early stage of any disease

Reduce Alcohol consumption

Transparently, excessive alcohol consumption is not beneficiary to our health. It hampers our consciousness, increases high blood pressure, and makes us obese. Hence, we should drink a moderate amount of alcohol in order to prevent those diseases.

To conclude, we could not cure chronic disease wholly. but, leading a healthy lifestyle create a scope to prevent and decrease the risk of these diseases.




Written by tanzi

I'm Tanzina, a content writer skilled in simplifying complex topics with clear, actionable insights and strategies to enhance reader understanding.

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